Taylor Elementary School
Taylor, AR March 14, 2019…their fingers on the sharp rusty strings. Brynlee McClendon Trees The trees Swaying back and forth An old man Tyler Glass Nature Tall oak trees swaying in the wind dropping…
→Springdale High School (WITS Translation)
Sprindale, AR September 7, 2018…revés había partido por medio dos fieros y descomunales gigantes. Mejor estaba con Bernardo del Carpio, porque en Roncesvalles había muerto a Roldán el encantado, valiéndose de la industria de…
→Springhill Elementary School
Alexander, AR November 21, 2019…cries when he’s sad and pouts when he’s mad. Niceness. the second >head is for niceness. He’s nice on your b-day and kind when he’s in a good mood. Lastly,…
→Happy Hollow Elementary School
Fayetteville, AR October 24, 2019…Lucy-Claire Song Untitled my grandma’s meatloaf the sunny beaches the crisp ghosty breathtaking air in the morning my gaming controller my preschool horror movies many mangoes Henriquez King If I…
→Root Elementary
June 27, 2022…In the moonlight I hear her purr quieter than a mouse. Her eyes sparkle like blue stars. She has soft fur. She’s black and gray and likes to jump. Mary…
→Cavanaugh Elementary School
Fort Smith, AR November 15, 2019…Babies are scattering by hummer walls. Turtles walk 1,000 miles to lay their eggs. Turtles climb on others shells and they can push others in the water. They protect themselves…
→Farmington Middle School
Farmington, AR November 12, 2019…just don’t care. Emma Pirtle Robo Lorlei She cries with robotic tears. I love with real emotion while she loves with computer action. It’s hard to have compassion from a…
→eStem Public Charter School
Little Rock, AR March 15, 2019…you back to that place where you bought this in the comforts of your home. Sometimes eaten for all meals or just snacks. Or sometimes taken by someone who has…
→Norfork High School
August 15, 2023She Prays to the Trees She prays to the trees bows down to the river and the mossy stones and murky puddles the rickety old house near the curvy train…
→Happy Hollow Elementary
Fayetteville, AR May 24, 2016…save her flower you smell good the only time you water is when you’re outside maybe it’s my time? She’s eating you, ew, She sees me Sorry, yellow tulip. You…