Taylor Elementary School

Tired and Corndogs

My hair was in a mess
worse than my room.
I wore a pink shirt with
a purple polka-dot skirt.
I felt as if I hadn’t slept
since the time King Tut
was Pharaoh.
We walked into a restaurant
that smelled like crusty knees
and burned chicken nuggets.
My parents sat at our table
and I slumped down in a
chair. With one eye open
and one eye closed,
I looked at my mom
and told her I wasn’t
hungry. The next thing
I knew I was on
a lumpy bed waking
up from hibernation.
I looked down letting
my neck go limp.
To my surprise I saw
an ugly corndog in
a plate that was
crumbled on the side.

Ayla Buford

The Ride

I was 4 years old.
Didn’t know anything.
I had my best friend with
me named Charlie.
He was my first dog
that I have had since now.
Wild and crazy, me and him
played and played like he was
actually a human. He loved Milk Bones
and bacon. I got on his back and
threw the Milk Bone. He flew down
the yard like a wild mustang
driving other horses through the woods.
My hair flowing through the wind.
My face tensed up.
What would I have done
without him?

Brooke Nunn

Stolen Guitar

When I came in the house to get my guitar it was stolen.
What use would it bring anyway?
It’s old and trashy cause I found it in the dirt.
Its strings are way off tune.
Half of the back is missing.
Inside it has huge gunks of hair balls.
It’s all held together with tape that will soon come off.
People stare at me when I show them it,
but I just hope whoever stole it cuts
their fingers on the sharp rusty strings.

Brynlee McClendon


The trees
Swaying back and forth
An old man

Tyler Glass


Tall oak trees
swaying in the wind
dropping leaves into the brown,
contaminated creek water.
The early Autumn breeze couldn’t
be much better,
reminding me of my mom’s
hair dryer.

Kaleb Downs

Summer Nights

The smoke from the fire
rising above me
into the dark blue, grayish sky
in the beginning of summer,
and oh how I miss my best friends.

Savannah Caskey

Frogs Being Weird

This frog came up to your
window and started to talk to
you and then you started to
get scared because you didn’t
know what it would do but
then you just walk away and then
you have someone banging on
your door then you think that it’s
no one but then a few minutes
later you hear a loud knock and you
go to your door and open it and
you have one million frogs
their being weird and saying
that there is a tree being cut down and then
you don’t even know what you’re doing
but then you just leave and
never go back.

Remington Hamilton

Ode to My Tractor

Tractors are green. Some tractors
can be yellow but the one
that I’m talking about is blue
it has two small wheels at the bottom
and two big wheels at the back
the wheels are black and the insides are white
with a plow at the back of it
it is orange and white.

Trayden Penigar

Cowboy times or happy or sad

This makes me happy
or bored or think
of the cowboy times.
Sometimes I feel sad.

Isaac Cox

Stolen Things That Was Not Me!

Have you ever stolen something?
I haven’t and if I did it wouldn’t
be from my dad’s truck.
There was about 17,000 things
in my dad’s truck that no one would want
to steal but me. Then I cherished my vision,
my mind increased with thoughts.
I’ll admit I have stolen 16 things
out of my dad’s truck.

Kelly Warlick

What it Means

A hermit crab that has a blue,
snappy, and broke leg, and that is
going to be my supper.

Tucker Smith

Eating McDonalds

If you eat chicken nuggets you will be
impressed. If it is green then, oh well, eat it.
I have done that. I did not get sick. Take a
chance. Or you could eat a hamburger and
the meat would be pink. Eat it. It won’t hurt.

Emily Broom

Taylor Elementary School
Taylor, AR
Dates of Visit: March 13 – 14, 2019
Faculty Sponsor: Robby Frizzel
Grade Levels: 3 – 6
Appx. Number Students Served: 144
Visiting Writers: Josh Luckenbach, Steven Rybnicek, Andrew Butler, Patrick Font