eStem Public Charter School
Little Rock, AR March 15, 2019I AM NORMAL I am not going home today I’m shooting an arrow straight→

Emerson Elementary School
Emerson, AR February 22, 2019How to be a Horse Get on your knees like a big footed donkey.→

Mount St. Mary Academy
Little Rock, AR February 8, 2019Ode to Shamrock Less than 2,000 people. The biggest watertower in Texas. One McDonalds→

Lamar Middle School
Lamar, AR January 25, 2019The Squirrel The squirrel drops a nut so now I have a nut. Ayden→

Farmington Middle School
Farmington, AR November 16, 2018The copper clawed bird coming, coming closer reaching out talons sharp extended out reach,→

Buffalo Island Central Elementary School
Leachville, AR November 2, 2018The Cleaning Machine I turn on the radio and I clean faster than a→

Norfork High School
Norfork, AR October 3, 2018Please make me new Please make me into the change you find in the→

Kait Yates
WITS StaffKait Yates is a fourth-year MFA student in fiction at the University of Arkansas.→