Emerson Elementary School

How to be a Horse

Get on your knees like a big
footed donkey. Clap the floor with our
hooves. You start trotting around
the place like a red headed zombie.
Then lean up lean up to rear a horse. Then
whip it to speed it up like
a non-tame lion

Havyn Carrington

The Weird Sun

The sun is under the ground
and the sun waters the roots of the plants.
Sometimes I go under the ground and suntan.

Brailey Tuberville

Balloon, Chicago

If balloons were Chicago,
they would rise high in the night sky.
Leaving behind strong gust of wind.
An ascending reminder in the sky,
for everyone on the go.
The bright yellow balloon would shine in the sky,
like a bright light in the dim.
The whistle of the balloon rising,
is music to my ears.
Hoping the reminder of love and compassion never descends,
because this is the brightness of Chicago.
Rise up!

Avery Barker

Way Home

The store so crowded
People grabbing cats
The crispy fruit was put in the cart first and now is on its way home.

Breelan Reeves

Earth Yesterday

More water than land, Earth
Blue, grass
Big tree, few leaves
Aliens invaded Earth yesterday

Carlee Roberson

largest star

The universe has lots of Galaxies
The black Galaxy
The woods are cool and calm
The sun is not the largest star

Chris Duncan

Purple Moon

Beautiful with shiny stars
bright blue
tall trees filled with birds
make the moon purple

Chloe Mason

I am not a large star

The sun medium size star
the sun orange shiny
woods are green foggy filled with trees
there is only one star in the universe

Ka’Lee Hanson

Flat and Bright

The universe is big
long Dark Black
park sunny and bright
Earth is flat

Breelan Reeves

Touchdown Uno

On the playground
a person throwing the ball
and a brown sloth catching it

Gage Keels

Cockroach Stool

On a stool
Sliding down
A cockroach is sitting

Madison Buffington

The Outside Sound

I hear the sound of the fly’s heartbeat outside  as
it thppp thuppp thuppps. I hear the sound of the
Earth turning as it goes whoshhhh whoshh

Chrissi Benoit

Emerson Elementary School
Emerson, AR
Dates of Visit: February 21-22, 2019
Faculty Sponsor: Jennifer Kyle
Grade Levels: 4, 5, 6
Appx. Number Students Served: 85
Visiting Writers: Samantha Kirby, Sara Ramey, Hiba Tahir, Kaitlyn Yates