Cooper Elementary School
Bella Vista, AR February 22, 2019…to Beau Big beady eyes looking out of the tall black cage a big white, gold, and black Bernese mountain dog staring at me waiting to come out. Maybe Mom…
→Root Elementary School
Fayetteville, AR April 7, 2015…small houses and big juicy oranges from the big houses. He quietly walks to the mailboxes and feels the cool touch of the metal. He smells the cool air while…
→Springhill Elementary School
Alexander, AR March 11, 2014…big hills See big field with deer jumping in the meadows Turn sharp left houses everywhere go down big hill into shadows Turn sharp curves take right with the smell…
→Buffalo Island Central West Elementary
Monette, AR November 13, 2015…long spaghetti noodles. My thighs are yummy sandwiches. My toes are quarters. My feet are big books. My bones are chicken legs that are rot. My teeth look like erasers….
→Root Elementary
Fayetteville, AR April 17, 2016…the plate you will see a bright berry salad with peaches, cherries, blueberries strawberries, and a bit of dark and light green mint leaves. If you look to the left…
→Lamar Public Schools
Lamar, AR May 10, 2016FISHING The calm waters rolling over each other. The smell of honeysuckles. The trees lining the banks. Rod and reel cast in the water. The sound of birds and nothing…
→Emerson Elementary School
Emerson, AR February 22, 2019…the ground and the sun waters the roots of the plants. Sometimes I go under the ground and suntan. Brailey Tuberville Balloon, Chicago If balloons were Chicago, they would rise…
→Arch Ford Education Service Cooperative
Plumerville, AR November 27, 2018…scarfs, hot cocoa, Christmas, and lights scavenger hunts. Summer comes to let us enjoy ourselves, winter comes to give the earth rest, so we can enjoy Summer. They need each…
→KIPP: Delta Collegiate High School
Helena, AR November 15, 2018The secret life of the cat that lives under my house The old gray naked cat that often barks a lot under my house every time me or my…
→Cavanaugh Elementary School
Fort Smith, AR November 16, 2018…wand he thinks its weird but every time he tries to use it frogs come out of it the wand is weird but he still uses it he never cries…