Lamar Public Schools
Lamar, AR May 10, 2016FISHING The calm waters rolling over each other. The smell of honeysuckles. The trees→

Lavaca Middle School
Lavaca, AR April 6, 2016WOLF IN THE ROAD You hear the howls, their barks in the distance, we→

Josh Idaszak
WITS StaffJosh Idaszak is originally from Potomac, Maryland and a fourth year graduate student in→

Emerson Elementary
Emerson, AR December 4, 2015FOOTBALL GAME Football game, like louder than a baby first born in your ear,→

Buffalo Island Central West Elementary
Monette, AR November 13, 2015PORTRAIT OF LYNLEE My eyes are rocks my mouth is A big worm my→

Guy Fenter Education Service Cooperative
Branch, AR October 22, 2015ORANGE VOLCANO Did you know that oceans can dance? Or that lakes hear the→

Washington County Juvenile Detention Center
Fayetteville, AR May 1, 2015BEAR As I walk through the trail, trying to find my way back to→