Springdale High School (WITS Translation)
Sprindale, AR September 7, 2018Primeros Siete Parrafos del Capítulo primero. Que trata de la condición y ejercicio del→

Pottsville High School
Pottsville, AR April 10, 2018Untitled Mondays are cups of tea without the sugar, As the days go on→

Washington County Juvenile Detention Center
Fayetteville, AR April 4, 2018Blue As I look up in the sky I admire its color as I→

Augusta High School
Augusta, AR April 4, 2018Untitled I’m sorry I never made it. A large tree fell in my way.→

Washington County Juvenile Detention Center
Fayetteville, AR November 8, 2017In the city of hair In the city of hair, the streets long and→

Arch Ford Educational Service Cooperative
Plumerville, AR November 7, 2017If Blood was ice-cream If Blood was ice-cream your veins would be frozen and→

KIPP: Delta Collegiate High School
Helena, AR November 3, 2017#BlackGirlMagic broken combs and big brushes cocoa butter and vaseline Sunday School dresses heat→

Central High School (2 of 2)
Little Rock, AR October 18, 2017Man Falls in Love…With Reflection “Oh. My. Gosh,” he says as he stares into→

Central High School (1 of 2)
Little Rock, AR October 12, 2017Dear Creator Dear Creator, Make me a dolphin but like the dolphin of dolphins→

Pottsville High School
Pottsville, AR April 28, 2017WILDERNESS AND WILD Patience patience listening now crunch soon crunch soon doe calling buck→