Augusta High School


I’m sorry I never made it.
A large tree fell in my way.
It sent me tumbling head over heels,
Down a hill made of sharp rocks.
I tried to climb back up.
I have the scars to prove it.
Sharp pain in my damp hands kept me down.
I’m sorry I never made it.
I was stuck in one place,
Cold and scarred and bewildered.
Wondering in the foreboding dark forest,
Would I ever make it there?

Jaylin Pabst

Responsible Mother

Meek and Mellow
I have to stay
sharp as a
Frail and pale
Happily ever after
is my fairy tale
I shall not walk
away from you
I shall not disappoint
you. You are my
greatest achievement
in life. You are
my heart and
my soul. You are
my flesh and
Blood. You are
my rose bud.
I will water you I
will Feed you. Baby Rush,
you are my seed.

Zada A. Lynn


The man thats on Twitter®
Passing lies like flies
around a Pink and yellow bouquet
But wait there’s a
Polar bear
with thick, luscious
long hair
living in the most Remote
place on earth but with beauty
it catches its food
Oh how the man lies

Malachi Taylor

I’m sorry past

I’m sorry past
that I left you
in the past
but that’s a good
thing because I’m
better off with you
and I don’t need
no excuses why
cause you should
be questioning yourself
why, I’m not trying
to be cocky but
Imma have to be
cocky with you,
the past is the past
and the present is the present
and the future will be near

Monteris Sain

Augusta High School
Augusta, AR
Dates of Visit: April 3-4, 2018
Faculty Sponsor: Anna Clark
Grade Levels: 7, 9, 10, 12
Appx. Number Students Served: 14
Visiting Writers: Victoria Hudson, Samantha Kirby, Rome Morgan, Anna Vilner