Vandergriff Elementary School
Fayetteville, AR November 14, 2018G it’s you Dear letter G, I really like your sound you make things→

Ramay Junior High School
Fayetteville, AR November 12, 2018The first ghost I saw His cries will send chills up your spine His→

Happy Hollow Elementary School
Fayetteville, AR October 24, 2018WHAT IF? WHAT IF your bed was a t.v. you would get to watch→

Washington County Juvenile Detention Center
Fayetteville, AR October 3, 2018Black When the thundering storm hit the city Black like the color of my→

Bentonville High School (WITS Translation)
Bentonville, AR September 27, 2018Apparition Je vis un ange blanc qui passait sur ma tête; Son vol éblouissant→

South Side Elementary School
Bee Branch, AR April 27, 2018Cactus Its green looks like a tree The pain when I touched it It→

Mount St. Mary Academy
Little Rock, AR February 8, 2018Since I am Since I am a girl Since I have to wear makeup→