Norfork High School
Norfork, AR October 9, 2019The Water It’s everywhere. The water is seeping through the walls. The lights are→

eStem Public Charter School
Little Rock, AR March 15, 2019I AM NORMAL I am not going home today I’m shooting an arrow straight→

Washington County Juvenile Detention Center
Fayetteville, AR March 13, 2019The Sky is Gold Necklaces The sky is gold necklaces The elephant spits gold→

Cooper Elementary School
Bella Vista, AR February 22, 2019The Smoldering Blob Fish I sleep at the bottom of the beautiful horizon waters.→

Guy Fenter Education Service Cooperative
Branch, AR January 25, 2019I Remember the Butterfly Seeing the yellow butterfly it brings back splotches of memories.→

Arch Ford Education Service Cooperative
Plumerville, AR November 27, 2018The Rose Bush I always think of the Rose Bush in my yard. How→

Augusta High School
Augusta, AR November 13, 2018Smart Mountain Lion Climbing up a steep, steep mountain, all I see is sharp→