Elgin B. Milton Elementary School
Ozark, AR April 30, 2013GREEN The color everyone waits for at a traffic light. You walk on this→

Woodlawn High School
Rison, AR April 30, 2013THEY JUMP THEY RABBIT Out of damp forests out of wisping trees from darkness→

Blevins Public Schools
Blevins, AR April 26, 2013LITTLE MISSOURI RIVER I love the Little Missouri River. The water sounds are quiet,→

Richland Elementary School
West Memphis, AR April 17, 2013MY THOUGHTS ARE A SOLAR SYSTEM My thoughts wander around my galaxy. Sometimes they’re→

Southside High School
Batesville, AR April 1, 2013HAIKU, PROM The bright ballroom glare The lively smile of her I am in→

Taylor Elementary School
Taylor, AR March 19, 2013MOWING Mowing the lawn what a chore mowing my worries away mowing the leaves→