Pottsville High School
Pottsville, AR April 10, 2018Untitled Mondays are cups of tea without the sugar, As the days go on→

Berryville Middle School
Berryville, AR March 28, 2018The Flower Sparrow This morning I woke up and swallowed a sparrow this sparrow→

Vandergriff Elementary
Fayetteville, AR November 14, 2017I am Blue I remind you of the almost endless sky and the wide→

Guy Fenter Education Service Cooperative
Branch, AR November 3, 2017I Hate Veggies I hate veggies because they always taste like dirt. They are→

Gentry Middle School
Gentry, AR November 1, 2017spell creation The boiling water smelled of scone creation The purple liquid smelled of→

Happy Hollow Elementary
Fayetteville, AR October 20, 2017Everything I didn’t get to write about Why did I not write about dinosaurs?→