Washington County Juvenile Detention Center
Fayetteville, AR March 13, 2019The Sky is Gold Necklaces The sky is gold necklaces The elephant spits gold→

Arch Ford Education Service Cooperative
Plumerville, AR November 27, 2018The Rose Bush I always think of the Rose Bush in my yard. How→

KIPP: Delta Collegiate High School
Helena, AR November 15, 2018The secret life of the cat that lives under my house The old→

Augusta High School
Augusta, AR November 13, 2018Smart Mountain Lion Climbing up a steep, steep mountain, all I see is sharp→

Washington County Juvenile Detention Center
Fayetteville, AR October 3, 2018Black When the thundering storm hit the city Black like the color of my→

Bentonville High School (WITS Translation)
Bentonville, AR September 27, 2018Apparition Je vis un ange blanc qui passait sur ma tête; Son vol éblouissant→

Springdale High School (WITS Translation)
Sprindale, AR September 7, 2018Primeros Siete Parrafos del Capítulo primero. Que trata de la condición y ejercicio del→

Washington County Juvenile Detention Center
Fayetteville, AR April 4, 2018Blue As I look up in the sky I admire its color as I→