Arkadelphia High School
Arkadelphia, AR May 1, 2018Lilies a woman small in size full of spirit and one hazy eye she’s→

Lamar Middle School
Lamar, AR January 25, 2018Buildings Taking Over The world is becoming buildings. They’re taking trees with ease and→

Carl Stuart Middle School
Conway, AR November 14, 2017The Shoe Hour There are 5 contestants and 1 host. There are many obstacles→

Kirksey Middle School
Rogers, AR November 6, 2017An ode to the joy of walking You block out the terrors of the→

Happy Hollow Elementary
Fayetteville, AR October 20, 2017Everything I didn’t get to write about Why did I not write about dinosaurs?→

Marion Intermediate
Marion, AR April 27, 2017SUNFLOWER I have a sunflower in my wrist. The sunflower attracts the bees. I’m→