Emerson Elementary School
Emerson, AR February 22, 2019How to be a Horse Get on your knees like a big footed donkey.→

Mount St. Mary Academy
Little Rock, AR February 8, 2019Ode to Shamrock Less than 2,000 people. The biggest watertower in Texas. One McDonalds→

Guy Fenter Education Service Cooperative
Branch, AR January 25, 2019I Remember the Butterfly Seeing the yellow butterfly it brings back splotches of memories.→

Greenbrier Elementary Schools
Greenbrier, AR November 30, 2018I Remember the Move Most people don’t move every year but I am not→

Arch Ford Education Service Cooperative
Plumerville, AR November 27, 2018The Rose Bush I always think of the Rose Bush in my yard. How→