Cooper Elementary School
Bella Vista, AR April 29, 2014FRUSTRATION Frustration is having a job with no end Frustration is working in a→

Booneville Elementary School
Booneville, AR April 22, 2014HAPPY Inside my heart is proud of me. I miss my dad, but he→

Manila High School
Manila, AR March 1, 2014LOVELY, NATURE Myself, one with the natural beauty that surrounds me green lush trees,→

eStem Elementary Public Charter School
Little Rock, AR November 23, 2013BLUE I’m the color of diamonds. I’m the color of the sky, and I’m→

Buffalo Island Central West Elementary School
Monette, AR November 20, 2013ODE TO A FORK You do not need them Eat with your hands They→

Buffalo Island Central East Elementary School
Leachville, AR November 20, 2013ARNOLD THE DONUT Arnold the Donut saved the day from evil. I ate him.→

Vilonia Public Schools
Vilonia, AR October 22, 2013APPLE Cut off the flesh pull the hair out juicy on the inside bloody→

Mount St. Mary Academy
Little Rock, AR October 3, 2013THE OLD ONES OF LORE This one cried from the heart-wrenching noise This one→

Elgin B. Milton Elementary School
Ozark, AR April 30, 2013GREEN The color everyone waits for at a traffic light. You walk on this→