Lavaca Middle School
Lavaca, AR November 7, 2017Ode to my phone My phone, it rings like an old telephone when my→

Kirksey Middle School
Rogers, AR November 6, 2017An ode to the joy of walking You block out the terrors of the→

Gentry Middle School
Gentry, AR November 1, 2017spell creation The boiling water smelled of scone creation The purple liquid smelled of→

Subiaco Academy
Subiaco, AR March 7, 2017LOBSTER eyes as dark as midnight skin as rough as rubbing your back on→

Pine Bluff First Ward Alternative School
Pine Bluff, AR January 10, 2017DANCING PLUMBER One day the toilet was messed up I called a plumber. He→

Plumerville, AR November 16, 2016YOUR HEART Your heart is like a bloody penguin. Stone Cold Steve Austin. A→

Jacksonville Middle School
Jacksonville, AR November 9, 2016SELF-PORTRAIT curl in a strand of hair hole in a broken trampoline snake curled→