Norfork High School
Norfork, AR September 29, 2017Cherry Ode Cherries, you’re as small as an acorn, as bright as red nail→

Mountainburg High School
Mountainburg, AR May 11, 2016STORMY DAYS I could feel the moist air of the storm headed my way.→

McNair Middle School
Fayetteville, AR December 10, 2015PHOTO People embraced in a pause in time. Clipped by a single word. Hair→

Julia Paganelli
WITS StaffJulia Paganelli is from eastern and western Pennsylvania. Before she lived in Arkansas, she→

Mountainburg High School
Mountainburg, AR May 12, 2015BASKETBALL GOAL But now you’re quite small, and lay on your side hoping. Maybe→

Root Elementary School
Fayetteville, AR April 7, 2015QUARTZ I am a piece of quartz. I see black hard stones. I am→