Mountainburg High School


I could feel the moist air of the storm headed
my way. And the bitterness of the rain coming
over the hills in the far distance. After the
storm passed over I could hear the sweet
noise of the birds.

Levi Burroughs

Letters to Venus

Here they have a box
that hums like
the strings of a poorly tuned
stradivorous. It’s light burns
their eating objects in circles.
They have wands
that put thoughts
on thin film that is tight
and an odor that is unknown
They make fire and
it is pretty from a small box.

Sarah Robertson


weeping + gloomy
nature playing enchanting music
flowers dancing + flowers gleaming
tulips doing backflips
tiptoeing rhythmic speed
dominoes tumbling
loud orchestra + festival swans swimming
gliding marching flutes
anticipation wedding bells
baby is daydream
bunnies bouncing spastic, busy
elephants at a circus

Rachel Churchill

I can’t operate (Chevy)

I can’t operate
I smoke and rattle
I thirst for more gas
but you know I can’t
make it
Fresh out of a shop
I spit and sputter
you say we will make
it home but I differ

As you get out slamming
my arm into my body
and open up my lid
you can’t find a problem
with me

You look at my body
and see all my fine
curves and admire my
beauty and look at
my golden cross
and my grill.

It’s a shame you
say it’s a shame
the Salts man was
full of it when he said I would

Austin Taylor

Three Two One

Deer running swiftly through the brush
One two three hops over the fallen tree
Dodging dead limbs and rocks

Rabbits hopping as quickly as possible
Duck under the tree branch
crawl through the hole

Birds flapping helplessly in the sky
Swerve and miss the pine
bolt through the clouds and sun

Three two one, shots fired
Count to five, dead silence
Deer running, rabbit hopping, bird flapping again
Not this time hunter

Greta Rutherford


A, a pointed house with a balcony
that would set on top a hill.
E upside down looks like a table that is
I resembles a broken wooden chair
with the back missing from being tipped over.
O, the basketball
that is orange and unused.
U is a hole in the ground freshly dug
with no purpose.

Daniel Cooper

3 Ways of Looking at Forest Fire

A small campfire 10 miles away, people enjoy some smores.
A large house fire 1 mile away, a family suffering over a loss.
A city fire 10 feet away, people scattering, looking for a safe place.

Dillon Jones

Nature’s Band

The dew in the air and the sun’s
rays sparkling. The grass as
I walk down the valley of
nature and all is beauty.

Listening to the songs of
nature’s quiet and the songs
of love stomps of the marching
band with the sounds of peace

The giants sway their many
limbs and creak in the wind
which hold refuge for the
babies of the gatherers

As the sky begins to
doze off as well as the
band Nature’s beauty begins
to tire and needs rest
for another day’s performance

Austin Taylor

Falling in Spring

I am a large mass, hanging in the sky
I begin to feel cold and heavy
And finally I separate
Swiftly falling
Feeling the breeze
I would be in horror
But it is so peaceful
Others like me are around
I wonder how they feel
After a short moment that I will cherish
I hit the ground
Slowly sinking into the soil
And now, it is dark

Jaiden Morin


In the city of two halves, the city
was split between the outdoorsmen and
the insides. Outsiders lived on the side
of the city with large quantities of
trees and rivers. Insiders lived on the
city part of the town with large
buildings and little vegetation. The
outdoorsmen always provided for the city,
knowing they wouldn’t make it without them.
It was one day that they insiders expanded
territory of the city pushing the outsiders out
of the town. The Outsiders left and the city
was then demolished from falling apart from the inside.

Jacob Ortlieb

Letter to T987

This barren rock floating through
the galaxy.
Filled with nothing but danger at every turn
The red splash against the metal
My muscles ache
My head supporter is weak from holding
up my brain bucket
The fatigue starts to take me
Everything goes black
Never to see light again

Nathan Biddy

Mountainburg High School
Mountainburg, AR
Dates of Visit: May 10 – 11, 2016
Faculty Sponsor: Traci Kannett
Grade Level: 5, 6, 7, 8
Appx. Number Students Served: 400
Visiting Writers: Julia Paganelli, Rachel Thomas, Vicente Yepez