Weaver Elementary School

Astronaut Pacing

Forgot car keys left dog in house
without food forgot to jump off
of trampoline left the water running
forgot oxygen tank on earth forgot
that the moon was not made of cheese
and could not eat it  

Mark Sailes


drowning in a deep hole full of
clutter, full of stress, full of crying
dirty clothes, lost keys, fake love, lost combs.

Karlis Ingrim


A vampire
Running and a church
At 9:00 pm
Town hall
Because he wanted to change
his life.

Jayden Williams


When you see fire it’s like stepping
on bubble wrap and stepping on
bugs that are already dead inside just
like ghosts leaving space as fire
works being popped on the 4th of
July. Smells like burning flesh and
nasty fish.

Jalexia Banks


Red pepperonis, guacamole, green peppers
all inside of these taco shells out on a vacation
in Mexico. Spilling a drink over my dad’s head.
Dancing with the waitresses, up on the counter
of the restaurant.

Emanuel Hamblin

Weaver Elementary School
West Memphis, AR
Dates of Visit: May 2-3, 2018
Faculty Sponsor: Sheila Grissom
Grade Levels: 5, 6
Appx. Number Students Served: 80
Visiting Writers: Kirsty Bleyl, Suzanne Monroe