Westside Elementary School


The plane in the sky snored so loud that ants could hear it.
A spider climbed on my mother’s head when she was sleeping.
Have you ever been to England?
My dad died on September 10, 2010.
My car was broken into pieces.
Planes are really in the sky.
No, I’ve never been to England.
No one in my family, except me and my cousin likes spiders.

Elizabeth Jalee

So much depends

So much depends
A teal grass
Drenched in holy
By the grey

Allyson Paige Smith


In my dream I am a large
bee flying and pouncing on the moon.

I am a swimming squirrel in jail.

I am a colossal German shepherd shining and
glowing at the park.

I am fancy like a beetle, jumping and tumbling
on a school.

I am mini like a glass on someone’s arm.

I am a bone that is active at a city.

James Tyler Linton

The Forest

The moonlight is dim,
a fox is waking a den.
I laugh as I play.

Aaron Trent

My Chicken Egg

My chicken egg
has been dropped
down the toilet
in a pan and
it doesn’t seem
to crack. It went
to China on a
fairy boat. A shark
bit it and broke
it’s tooth. It seems
to be tougher than
a redneck eating
the hottest pepper
in the world.
It came to me
and I threw
it on a pillow
and it cracked
like a water drop landing
on concrete.

Jasmine McDowell

My Cave

My cave keeps to himself
His eyes a dark, hollow black
He reaches for nobody to help him
His life is a land of sorrow
My cave feels like a no-one
My cave has no friends
He chooses his life
One day I came along
His life has changed
He has a friend
He helps me chase the sun
We tuck the stars into bed
His life is now a rollercoaster
Screaming with joy
My cave is now a part of me!

Addisinn McMillan

So much depends

So much depends
a black innocent
glazed in thick
by the orange
flower pot.

Britteny Hopkins


This fruit looks like a yellow smile or a monster claw. It could even be a yellow horn on a unicorn. What is this fruit?

Breyden Trace McCain


My monster looks like a fluffy marshamallow
He looks like little kids chew him to the bone.
He smells like gas at a gas station. I hear him
tweet like a tweety bird. He is so tiny
that you can put him in your pocket.
When you touch him he grows tiny leaves on
his body. Every morning when he wakes up
he yawns so loud that people in China hear
him for such a tiny monster.

Graci Domerese

In the Forest

In the moonlit forest
a snow owl cries
to another owl.

Macey Hatfield

I Remember

I remember the 3rd of June the
gray mountain rushing water from
the top to bottom, moving like bright
red blood rushing through a body.
The sand as soft as grass.
I remember seeing you in that b
bright shirt by the water
watching the dolphins jump in
the water and back out.

Colton Cleaves

So much depends

So much depends
a gray wolf leaping
the fence in the dark
by the
old house.

Daniel Ledbetter

Westside Elementary School
Hartman, AR
Date of Visit: May 8 – 9, 2014
Faculty Sponsor: Rebecca Elms
Grade Levels: 3, 4, 5, 6
Appx. Number Students Served: 120
Visiting Writers: Kevin Corbett, S. Craig, Michelle Myers, and Molly Rector