KIPP: Delta Collegiate High School


I walked
and I walked
For six days
From Phoenix
to San Diego
With one thing
my folding chair.

Kendrick Allen


Thy California is yellow
The bees are furious
Many squares surround me
Like the faces of strangers
Thy California is yellow
Easily blown me away like dandelions
Cars sounding like loud trumpets.
Oh California is the state of dreams.

Kenneth Cox


As I sat down in the very green grass of Arkansas,
A reddish yellow ladybug landed on my nose making it itch
Clouds in the sky went from triangles to squares
The ladybug went down to my scapula making me feel tingly
Oh how beautiful green Arkansas is
The pretty roses in the corner of the field
I got my piano with me in hopes of making a song.

Lamire Henderson

Grey Texas

The Grey Texas beetle
shape like a Texas star
Its arms and legs are like
guitar strings
In grey Texas
there lay a sakura tree
it plays aloud a tune
on the field of doom.

Josh Perry


Cotton screaming through the streets,
cotton flowing, wet through the sewage.
Cotton in the aire, riding the wind.
Cotton in people hair as they work.
Children holding cotton.
Cotton in corners of restaurants.
Cotton under the trailers at the schoolhouse.
Cotton through the football field.
Cotton taking over your red blood cells.
Sweet cotton, dark cotton, milk cotton.
cotton, cotton, cotton.

Jeterius Montague


My brown hair blowing in the wind of Ohio
The ugliness of a cockroach
with its oval-like body
Trying to clear my brain of negative thoughts
My brown hair continues to blow in the Ohio wind
A free cactus standing as still as a bean
A golden trumpet being played
as I write an essay of madness.

Briana Williams

KIPP: Delta Collegiate High School
Helena-West Helena, AR
Dates of Visit: October 2012
Faculty Sponsor: Stephanie Graham
Grade Levels: 11
Appx. Number Students Served: 30
Visiting Writers: Josh Brown and Adrian McBride