West Junior High School
West Memphis, AR May 2, 2014COCONUT We cut the new moon in the night sky As it opens A→

eStem Elementary Public Charter School
Little Rock, AR November 23, 2013BLUE I’m the color of diamonds. I’m the color of the sky, and I’m→

Greene County Tech Junior High School
Paragould, AR November 7, 2013THOMAS EDISON At my messy desk with tools and papers scattered, Head leaning on→

Westside High School
Hartman, AR October 4, 2013MARCHING SOLDIERS Because the leaves leave their barracks. Because they go to battle with→

Mountainburg High School
Mountainburg, AR May 10, 2013WHEN WILL THEY KNOW? Everyday we play games and sing never finding a way→

Elgin B. Milton Elementary School
Ozark, AR April 30, 2013GREEN The color everyone waits for at a traffic light. You walk on this→