In 1988, WITS published Making Poems as a resource for both teachers and WITS instructors. It contains over 80 pages of poetic exercises as well as student examples from past WITS workshops. Making Poems was edited by Nancy McCabe Francoeur and Daniel Humphrey, with illustrations by Susan Eash.
You are invited to use these exercises either before or after WITS visits your classroom. However, if you do use any of WITS exercises with your students before WITS visits your classroom, please let your trip leader know in advance in order to avoid overlap.
View full text Making Poems (PDF)
Betsy Adams, Darrend Brown, Mark Burgh, Cincy Chinelly, Bill Coffman, David Coy, Holly Dunn, Sally Evridge, Julia Guernsey, Buffa Hanse, John Harney, Curt Harrell, John Haw, Dodie Horne, William Howell, Daniel Humphrey, Sara King, Kay Leiker, Vicki Lombari, Margaret McMullan, Roger Martens, Heather Ross Miller, Karen Osborn, Gail Regier, Robert Rickert, Shirley Russell, Cindy Sanderlin, David Sanders, Tom Sauret, Camilla Semelsberger, Paulette Schmidt, Karen Steiner, Rusty Standbridge, David Vandenberg, and Lex Williford.