Waldron Middle School

The Only Ghost I Saw

He is a mysterious kind of thing
No noise from anywhere around him
He is a lost soul
No one to care or love him
He is hurting in many ways
Nothing can help him
He’s different from everybody else
That’s what makes him unique

Paytan Deste

Wild Pigs

Standing by a river
a herd of dogs is to be seen
While approaching, a twig snaps
the herd runs as swift as a cheetah
As they come to a restless stop
The dogs weren’t dogs
It was a group of wild pigs

Vivian Holm


The howl at night, the footsteps at
dawn. The smell of an eerie wolf.
But a simple smell of a man. The
feel of a businessman on a hunt
for food. So soft but
violent. A wolf at night
a man at dawn.

Peyton Lipman

Waldron Middle School
Waldron, AR
Dates of Visit: October 31, 2018
Faculty Sponsor: Mrs. Poor
Grade Levels: 8
Appx. Number Students Served: 12
Visiting Writers: Joy Clark, Josh Luckenbach