Washington County Juvenile Detention Center


Another day another tally mark.
This is my home now. Life itself
dies in the cell like animals
awaiting to be let out of their
cages. Counting the time by sunlight
where it shines on the high white walls.
Not to see the clouds but only once
a week I long for to see but as
I step over the threshold my face I
hide from the sunlight like a vampire
for it blinds me. Looking into the clouds
everything slows down as I receive peace
of mind from the Father above the skies and
galaxies. Coming back into the high walls I
say goodbye to the peace and hope that I
might get once again one day.
Getting lunch fills my stomach but only
with the bad taste of my choices I’ve
made to be in here. Taking a shower I
think of the spring waters, headed off
to my cell to another night my dreams
take me home.



I’m from where there’s no such thing as a dad
I’m from a place where metal sheets cover the windows
I’m from a place where you had to prove yourself
I’m from a place of hunger and hustle
I’m from a place of blood and flowing tears
I’m from the home of the Oakland A’s
I’m from in a rush and a fast clock
I’m from the bright shine of candy paint
I’m from loyalty
I’m from a $1,000 bond
I’m from your homies are all you got



gets so cold, my body shivering at night.
Door slamming shut when the staff
enters the pod.
The roof is so noisy sounds like
we have raccoons fighting up there.
Can’t even sleep it’s so bright in
my room. Staring at the bricks, imagining
the room in my house.


Seasons Haiku

Beads of sweat keep dropping,
can’t even take a walk.
Will the sun ever let up?

Body tenses,
foot sinks in,
chills then surround me.

As blinding colors grow
my eyes just look and wonder.
This sight is so relaxing.

Same shape shadows covering the sun around me.
Every step I take sounds the same.
Must I make such a racket?



I’m from a good mother and a no good father
I’m from a place where I’m the protector
I’m from looking out for my family
I’m from where there is no hope or future
I’m from being there for my family when they need help
I’m from in my own shoes instead of growing into my father’s
I’m from walking at night to get what I and my family need
I’m from Godly Great Grandparents
I’m from the One and Only Lord Almighty
I’m from how to know how to treat a girl and ladies
I’m from knowing the struggle that my mom had to go through to keep us safe
I’m from getting put down and raising up with my head held high
I’m from knowing the truth about God
I’m from learning from my mistakes, your mistakes and all mistakes
I’m from a family that’s torn apart
I’m from feeling guilty about my bad choices in life
I’m from the other side of being rich and a silver spoon
I’m from get the house clean before bedtime
I’m from keep my shoes cleaner than my teeth



Time still moving, but always unknown
the sun rises early morning coming out of its
but I still lay still like a mummy in his
home, the buzz the pop now for a treat
I eat I talk I play with paper squares
I ask and ask when will it be
the time then comes and my feet
enter my shoes
I walk those last steps in my cold territory
the sun then blinds me but also gives
me life at last


Washington County Juvenile Detention Center
Location: Fayetteville, AR
Date of Visit: November 7 – 8, 2013
Faculty Sponsor: Jeane Mack and Brad Norwood
Appx. Number Students Served: 5
Visiting Writers: Stefan De La Garza and Joe Trimble