Harmony Grove High School


I saw my friend play one.
I wanted to learn to play one.
I learned how to play the guitar
I’m pretty good at playing the guitar.
I should be famous or something.
I learned my first chord in a garage
I learned mostly on my own in my
bedroom, with a dip in.

Cletus Howland

The Migration

Last night, I migrated
with the mallards
to find cold

Dakota Rucker

The Trip to Texarkana

October 4th, 2015, 4:20 in the morning.
The call he wouldn’t make it.
The longing to see him
one last time.

The elevator ride to the ICU floor.
Stopped by my aunt.
He was gone.
Going in to the room. Seeing him there.

We prayed for healing, and healing
is what he got.

Ginni Burkland

Do you know the answer?

I lay eggs every three days.
My TV loves to play hide and seek.
Are trees slowly killing us?
During lunch on Saturday
I think some meat dog food smells appetizing
Yes. Their oxygen slowly kills us.

Harry Jeffrey

Ode to Having Money

can buy whatever you want
it makes me happy

Clay Swain

In the WWI

In the trench
Water 3 feet deep
Planes flying over head
Artillery hitting the earth
Rats eating away at my best friend
The ringing in my ears
The mustard gas filling the trench
As I take my last few breaths

Dayton Bailey

Harmony Grove High School
Camden, AR
Dates of Visit: December 3 – 4, 2015
Faculty Sponsor: Louise Keithley
Grade Levels: 10, 11
Appx. Number Students Served: 46
Visiting Writers: Kirsty Bleyl, Suzanne Monroe