Westside Elementary School


Dear catfish when I catch you we let
you go when we catch you I think we
should let you go when we catch you
we should let you go because I do not
want to hurt you I like to eat you juicy
fried meat I think you are good but
watching you get cut open I sometimes cry
because it look very bad but when my papa
cooks his catfish I like it because he puts
his season on it that I think is famous.
I think that you should be caught
also after and we only eat the big
catfish that we catch after that we leave
and the next day we eat you but that slimy
smell that you put on our warm hands that
smell making you smell like a catfish
we can smell you in the water I like
your smell when we catch you that
we try to catch more of you catfish
and you smell like slimy water
fish but then we catch you and we like
you when we catch you I want to fry you
up and eat you.

Jonathan Russell

First Song

It sounds like a parade. It sounds like a
thunderstorm in a tent. It sounds like a
cat and a dog fighting in a shower.

Claire Parker


Dear hawk, bird you are
such a great singer on the hard wooden floor.
Dear buck deer how do you eat good
delicious fruity waffles.
Dear black bear how do you like a
creepy catfish to eat.
Dear Arkansas River you sound like stars
in the sky floating around.
Dear gooey bookshelf you look like a
big green monster.

April Walker

Getting to the moon by a giant

Never lie to a giant
he will pick you up
throw you

you’ll hit your head on
a cloud
then fall down
then a plane will
catch you then
go boom rolling
in the air
all the way
to space

then you will
get hit by
and land on
the moon

all around on
the moon
it sounds like

That’s why you never
lie to a giant.

Zachary Johnson

Nervous Movie Director

I know this movie director named
Joiey and he is so nervous
this is his breakfast, for beginning he
eats some frog legs, then he eats
some little girls hair now he is
washing it down with some nigh tech
rocket fuel and for a snack he eats
some worms and spider legs and a
full buffalo too. Now he is more
hungry and starts eating brake lights
off of cars in a parking lot.
I think he is so nervous because
of the upcoming movie he is shooting and
the big star is a really big pain in the rear.
The next time I saw him he was
eating some old lady’s shoes, another
big movie, I suspect.

Breanna Garcia

Love is good all the time

Love is sand on a soft rainy day
at the beach. Love is crisp bacon on
my mom’s special bacon plate in the morning.
Love is my heart biting after thunder
rumbles. Love is a glass of lemon tea
in the summer time. Love is a pumpkin
pie after my mom makes it for dinner.

Jaden Davis

The Bird of Death

The bird of death sat there on the tree.
Its red tipped feathers ruffled in the wind.
The white tip of his beak pecked at a leaf.
He saw a white dog. His victim.
He flew down, barely touched the dog and flew to the tree.
The white dog started to cough. Then fell motionless.
Death, death was all the bird could think of.
But, he started to melt, the red feathers turned to
The ooze of the bird fell on the dog. Reviving it.
Wind started to rise. The white birch trees
swayed back and forth.
Dead leaves crunched under the dog’s paws.
The dog ran away.
The only thing left in the pile of red ooze
was a red feather.
It twitched.

Destaney Kelley


Loneliness is a homeless dog in
the white cold winter night it is
having ten arms but no one to hold
it is hanging out with trees
because trees don’t judge.

Michael Clarke


The fireworks of sadness is a
fireball that shoots right through your
heart. It is cold ice, ice that freezes
around you. It is a single salty tear
that runs down your face. the sound is cries
and moans of yourself, from a dark Abandoned Hall
and dusty ashes are upon you.

Ashley Morrow

Unicorn of Anger

the unicorn of anger felt lonely
But it smelt anger inside of
its soul. It ask to feel anger
so it touch the rock, it
turned into lava. It heard
the roaring sound of thunder
saying come that I may see
you. It could taste the metal
greeting its teeth.

Megan Garner

The Lonely Mailman

The Lonely Mail Man eats junk
mail for breakfast and he drinks
well water too. That makes him happy.
The Lonely Mail Man
eats raw eggs on his way to
deliver the mail. When the Lonely
Mail Man is done with his job at
9:00 a.m. he goes home and eats
out of his trashcan for a morning snack.

Mackenzie Patton

Westside Elementary School
Hartman, AR
Date of Visit: November 13 – 14, 2014
Faculty Sponsor: Rebecca Elms
Grade Levels: 3, 4, 5, 6
Appx. Number Students Served: 200
Visiting Writers: Kirsty Bleyl, Michelle Myers, Julia Paganelli, Molly Rector