Weaver Elementary School


I see trees and leaves dancing with the wind.
I smell the fresh air blowing in my face.
I eat grass.
As I run, I run from things that are not safe.
I dip my tongue in the water.
When it turns night time, we wake up
And do it all over the next day.

Tontiali McGhee

The Flower Shop

My mom is at the flower shop.
She is hearing the cooler softly breathing.
She is seeing the plastic wrapped around the sunflower.
She is smelling the sweet sweet jasmine.
She is tasting her sandwich for lunch.
She is touching boxes with the lilies in them.
She is making a rose.
She is thinking about putting the rose on a wreath.

Kevion Brazile

A Horse in the Jungle

I am so lonely.
I love to play. I can’t sing.
I love to let people ride on my back.

I got out of the jungle and found an owner.
She took good care of me and never let me go.
I was a brave little horse. Everyone loved me.

Lanerina Lewis

My Days of Jealousy

Sounds like a worn out AC
Looks like a rotten tomato
Smells like an old vacuum
Feels like a hard towel
Tastes like a sour lemon.

Auryuna Maxwell


I fly around and around
I eat and eat
And I breath fire.
And then I just sleep and sleep.
I miss being with my friend,
The fresh air.
Not in the rocks.

Thomas Davis

Song of Spring

Can you smell it?
I can smell fresh peaches.
Can you see it?
I was sitting on the dock.
Can you hear it?
It’s quiet and wet.
Can you taste it?
Spring tastes like fresh peppermint.
Can you feel it?
When I feel spring, I feel a soft pillow.

Abriel Holme

Weaver Elementary School
West Memphis, AR
Date of Visit: May 19 – 20, 2014
Faculty Sponsor: Sheila Grissom
Grade Levels: 3, 4
Appx. Number Students Served: 100
Visiting Writers: Megan Downey and Michelle Myers