Mona Lisa took a Ladder and climbed
it. Now that she knew what the
ladder did, Mona Lisa took the ladder to
New York City. She climbed to the
very top and smiled as big as she
could and everyone saw it.
Sidney Jones
My Dad
I can hear my dad walking.
I feel like he is coming.
I see him running at me.
I smell his pancake breath.
I taste the bacon he made
for me.
He ran to the couch.
Where I see him take a nap.
Mason Smith
My mama is happy
She sees a new hot tub
She smells her famous cheeseburger pie
She tastes her awesome brownies
She hears her favorite song
She feels Joy from her A’s in class
She makes more delicious things
She thinks she’ll get an office job.
Hannah Greenwood
One day I saw Einstein
with a ladder. I asked him, “What
are you doing?” He said, “Young sir,
I am studying the chimney. I know
that Santa is fat, and the chimney
is skinny. So I must know how
he does it.” I said, “Okay. Bye.”
Matt Somers
If I was inside of a
washing machine I
would see nothing but
soap and
water I
would feel
it shaking
I would
taste bubbles
if they get in
my mouth
I would touch
a bubble and
pop it.
That’s what
would happen
if I was inside
a washing machine.
Emma Shreve
My mom is happy.
She sees the baby asleep. She hears the dishwasher
going. She feels her soft
blanket. She tastes her
swiss cake roll. She smells
the chocolate. She thinks
about what she’s going to
make for dinner. She
gets in bed and goes to
Daylon Qualls
Eagle Heights Elementary
Harrison, AR
Dates of Visit: May 6 – 7, 2014
Faculty Sponsor: Linda Pledger
Grade Levels: 3, 4
Appx. Number Students Served: 60
Visiting Writers: Willi Goehring and Scott Ray