Program Coordinator: James Whitehead
Anthology Editor: David Reveal
Front Cover Art: Roger Martens
Academic Year: 1983 – 1984
Number of Participating Schools: 79
View full text 1983 – 1984 WITS Anthology (PDF)
1983 – 1984 Participating Schools
Alma, AR
Arkansas City Elementary School
Arkansas City, AR
Atkins Junior High School
Atkins, AR
Bentonville Alternative School
Bentonville, AR
Bono Elementary School
Bono, AR
Bragg Elementary School
West Memphis, AR
Butterfield Trail Elementary School
Fayetteville, AR
Central Intermediate School
Blytheville, AR
Central Junior High School
Springdale, AR
City Heights Elementary School
Van Buren, AR
Coal Hill High School
Coal Hill, AR
Conway Middle School
Conway, AR
Corning High School
Corning, AR
Cotton Plant Elementary School
Cotton Plant, AR
Crawfordsville Public Schools
Crawfordsville, AR
Daniel Middle School
Crossett, AR
DeWitt High School
DeWitt, AR
Elkins High School
Elkins, AR
Elmdale Elementary School
Springdale, AR
Emerson High School
Emerson, AR
Fairview Intermediate School
Camden, AR
Fairview High School
Camden, AR
Farmington High School
Farmington, AR
Fayetteville High School
Fayetteville, AR
Fayetteville High School West
Fayetteville, AR
Gentry Elementary School
Gentry, AR
Gentry Middle School
Gentry, AR
Gillett High School
Gillett, AR
Greenland Elementary School
Greenland, AR
Hampton Elementary School
Hampton, AR
Holman Elementary School
Stuttgart, AR
Huttig Junior High School
Huttig, AR
Jefferson Elementary School
Fayetteville, AR
Kibler Elementary School
Van Buren, AR
Lee Elementary School
Springdale, AR
Lincoln High School
Lincoln, AR
Lucilia Wood Elementary School
Elaine, AR
Maddux Elementary School
West Memphis, AR
Magazine Elementary School
Magazine, AR
Marion Junior High School
Marion, AR
Maynard, AR
Miller Junior High School
West Helena, AR
Morrilton Intermediate School
Morrilton, AR
Murfreesboro Middle School
Murfreesboro, AR
Murmil Heights Elementary School
El Dorado, AR
North Crossett Elementary School
North Crossett, AR
Northwest Elementary School
El Dorado, AR
Oak Grove Elementary School
Van Buren, AR
Ole Main High School
North Little Rock, AR
Ozark High School
Ozark, AR
Parkers Chapel Elementary School
El Dorado, AR
Parkers Chapel High School
El Dorado, AR
Parsons Hill Elementary School
Springdale, AR
Pocahontas High School
Pocahontas, AR
Pocahontas Middle School
Pocahontas, AR
Pottsville High School
Pottsville, AR
Ramay Junior High School
Fayetteville, AR
Richland Elementary School
West Memphis, AR
Rivercrest High School
Wilson, AR
Root Elementary School
Fayetteville, AR
Smackover High School
Smackover, AR
T.G. Smith Elementary School
Springdale, AR
Southwest Junior High School
Springdale, AR
Stamps High School
Stamps, AR
Strong Middle School
Marianna, AR
Thornton Elementary School
Thornton, AR
Trumann Elementary School
Trumann, AR
John Tyson Elementary School
Springdale, AR
J.F. Wahl Elementary School
Helena, AR
Washington Elementary School
Fayetteville, AR
Watson School
El Dorado, AR
Watson Elementary School
Huntsville, AR
West Fork High School
West Fork, AR
West Helena Central
West Helena, AR
West Memphis High School
West Memphis, AR
Westwood Elementary School
Springdale, AR
C.V. White High School
West Helena, AR
Woodland Junior High School
Fayetteville, AR
Yocum Elementary School
El Dorado, AR
1983 – 1984 WITS Staff
Chiquita Babb
Beth Bunten
Pam Carmell
Cynthia Chinelly
Donna Curd
John Dufresne
Sharon Eaton
Jack Fine
Elisabeth Grant-Gibson
Curt Harrell
John Haw
Keith Hubbard
Luann Keener
Rodney Jones
Janice Lindsey
Bill Macomber
Roger Martens
Katherine Moss
James Naiden
Terry Pokrivnak
David Reveal
Moira Saucer
Paulette Schmidt
Tess Scogan
Cam Semelsberger
Jerie Smith
Rusty Standridge
Steve Stewart
Rebecca Streett
Mary Troy
Lanita Williams
Amy Wilson
Steve Yarbrough
View full text 1983 – 1984 WITS Anthology (PDF)
Arkansas WITS Program Directors: Curt Harrell and David Reveal
Program Coordinator: James Whitehead
Anthology Editor: David Reveal
Front Cover Art: Roger Martens
Academic Year: 1983 – 1984
Number of Participating Schools: 79